How to Organise Your Fridge for Maximum Efficiency
If you’ve ever cleaned out your fridge and have been left with trash bags full of expired food, there’s a bit of a problem. An unorganised refrigerator causes several issues, ranging from food wastage to just being annoying to use! Below, we share our best tips for keeping your fridge organised, to help you get the most out of your kitchen appliances.
Assign Shelves
Separating products by category will not only help with know exactly where the item you’re after is hiding, but separating your raw and cooked meats from each other, and from fresh fruits & vegetables can also have health and safety benefits. When organising your fridge, assign the shelves and fridge compartments to specific food categories. Fruit drawer, veggie drawer, meat shelf, leftovers shelf, condiments in the door, and so on!
A bit of common sense goes a long way, by assigning shelves, you can open your refrigerator and find exactly what you need when you need it. This means no more wasting time digging through the depths of your fridge until it starts beeping away.
Move Your About-to-Expire Food to the Front
An organised fridge means nothing goes to waste! You should always keep your almost expired food to the front of the fridge. If you’ve bought replacements, they can go straight to the back for when you need them later. Try and use every drop of every condiment, and this way you won’t find yourself with 4 half-emptied, expired, bottles of mayonnaise pushed to the back of the fridge.
Keeping the close-to-expiry products at the front also means that you can easily get rid of them and free up some space if they expired before you could use them. This means there won’t be any expired products rotting away at the back of your refrigerator.
Buy the Fridge That Suits Your Lifestyle
As technology continues to develop, there are more fridges out there now than you could ever imagine! There’s one to suit every household, and the best way to keep an organised fridge starts with the purchase. You want to make sure that the fridge is not going to be too big or too small for your needs, as you don’t want to waste power cooling empty space, but you also don’t want a fridge that you can’t close properly. Think about your eating habits and what problems you have with your current fridge to help you decide
Do you need a wide fridge for the extra shelf space? Or would you benefit more from a slender side-by-side fridge freezer to have even space for cold and frozen foods? Think about how you currently use the space, and when shopping for a new fridge, picture how you would categorise each shelf. Purchasing the refrigerator that fits your family from the start is the key to maximum efficiency.
Consider a Separate Fridges & Deep Freeze
Sometimes a combined fridge freezer unit just doesn’t offer enough space, especially for large families. If you find your fridge or freezer just doesn’t have the space for your family, separate units may just do the job!
An upright fridge and a chest freezer are a combination to maximise space. This gives you the entire length of the fridge unit to use, rather than sacrificing half of it for freezer space, while a deep chest freezer can stay in the garage, out of the way.
If you’re hosting a lot of events, or just love packing your fridge with drinks, you’d be amazed at the space you can save by investing in a separate bar fridge. Midea has a range of bar fridges in NZ, so you can avoid bottles rolling around on your fridge, taking up all the space!
Some Extra Pro Tips!
Organising your fridge becomes a whole lot easier when you have a system. Using containers to group items is a great way to keep everything in order. You can slide out the container, grab what you need, slide it back in, and your fridge stays clean and tidy!
If you’ve got items like bread, tomatoes, and bananas taking up space, take them out! These are foods that are better left in room temperature, rather than wasting power and fridge space keeping them cold!